Towards a Europe of hope, healing and hospitality
The report of the 2017 State of Europe Forum, Hope, Healing and Hospitality, held in St Paul’s Pro-Cathedral, St Johns Co-Cathedral, Upper Barrakka Gardens & the University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, May 2017, (pp. 166), is now available, with contributions from:
Mari Blaj, Ahmed Bugre, Katrine Camilleri, Rosemary Caudwell, Florica Chereches, Paul Chetcuti, Julia Doxat-Purser, Lyndon Drake, Pyt Farrugia, J. Fountain (editor), Noemie Montes, Vilver Oras, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Hector Scerri, Charles Scicluna, Branislav Skripek, Henrik Syse, Jonathan Tame, Jennifer Tunehag, Evert Van de Poll, Sue Vella, Arie Vermeij, George Weigel & Vanni Xuereb.
Soon to be available to order online; meanwhile request your copy through: info@schumancentre.eu
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