What is the Schuman Centre?
Jeff Fountain, director of the Schuman Centre of European Studies, briefly presents the centre.
Welcome to the website of the Schuman Centre for European Studies.
The SC itself is a virtual centre, with no one particular location. I am speaking to you from the Schuman Resource Library in the heart of Amsterdam. Next door we have the Upper Room salon where various SC activities take place; but we have Schuman associates living and working in several countries including Finland, Romania, Latvia, France and Belgium as well as in The Netherlands.
We try to offer forgotten perspectives on Europe’s past, present and future. Our goal is to help people effectively engage with issues facing us in Europe today. We try to jog memories about Europe’s past; stir consciences about Europe’s present; and to awaken imaginations about Europe’s future.
You can find out more about the following activities on this site.
The State of Europe Forum, annually held around Europe Day, May 9
The Heritage Tours alternating between Ireland & Britain one summer and the continent the next.
the Masterclass week also each summer
the Schuman Symposium on Spirituality and Politics heldin Brussels early December
and regular events in the Upper Room here in Amsterdam. including European study courses, how the Bible shaped Europe, Holland and Amsterdam, Schuman Lectures.
(Check here all our activities)
You will also find information about a Masters degree programme in missional leadership and European studies, we are offering through Newman University and ForMission college in Birmingham
So why the name ‘Schuman’? Robert Schuman was the French foreign minister after WW2 – not to be confused with the 19th century German musician – and was the spiritual father of the European project, which rescued Europe from its severe post-war stress disorder. He dreamed of Europe becoming a ‘community of peoples deeply rooted in basic Christian values’.
We think that’s a dream still worth chasing. Don’t you?
For more information check our about page